Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Complete Randomness 1

I asked people on twitter to give me something random (whether it's a quote, word or object) and I received the quote "The mountains were topped with snow when the phone call came" and the word "Seed"

This is what I came up with:
I stood by the window, waiting for phone call that was sure to come.

I had been expecting it for weeks now. From my small secluded cabin I could see the sun hitting the snow covered peaks of the mountain top. It was time.

Time to finally let him go. At the age where most women are preparing their children for high school, I was a widow mourning a husband who left me all too soon. As crazy as it sounds, I always knew this was going to happen. He wasn't meant to stay with me. That just wasn't what fate intended. But he refused to leave me, so death took him away.

And that's how the cookie crumbles.

The first phone call came just after the first layer of snow came to rest on the mountain top. The kids and I came up here to get away from the rest of the world but we were unaware that the rest of the world was following us. My husband’s mother, my mother-in-law said as a child her son loved going to Aspen during their family’s winter vacation. He never told anyone about those childhood memories after a skiing accident took his brother’s life when he was fifteen. Despite this, he would have wanted his ashes lain to rest somewhere that was both familiar and full of new memories.

By new memories she meant somewhere that wasn't tainted by a childhood death. I knew what she was asking me from the moment she said Aspen. 

He always called our cabin his aspen. He used to say that it was better than any winter retreat in the world. We used to come up here every year with the kids, before they decided that they would rather spend their break hanging out at the mall with their friends.

From the small seed of thought that she put into my head, like a flower an idea grew.  I wasn't just going to let his remains go but I wasn't going to set him free as well.

I will always hold on to the love we shared and I will forever cherish the memories we made but it was time I realized that he wasn't going to ever come back.

I inhaled a shaky breath and wiped away any traces of tears that were made in the last five minutes. It just didn't make any sense. I didn't make any sense. if I knew he was going to leave me all alone, then why is it so hard for me to process that he's really gone?

Maybe it was because if I expected for him to go away, every day that he stayed was better than it would have been had I believed that his presence was continuous.

The telephone rang, taking me out of my thoughts and signaling the call that I has been waiting for. His parents were almost here and it was time.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I'm trying to get the blog up and running so just have a little patience...